"I tried The complete Emethy package and my God what a rush!!!
I was fully centered after a night of partying.”
~ Ron Scotty
What People Are reporting after using Emethy
I have had so many fun experiences with the Emethy Trauma Wand.
I put the Trauma Wand on my eye when it was irritated, red and weeping. My eye healed and never developed any further.
I stubbed my toe which was so painful. I immediately put the Trauma Wand on my foot and the pain cleared quickly and it was fine within a short period of time.
I used the Emethy Trauma Wand on an itchy bite and it clears up faster than normal and took the swelling out.
This is like a new toy:). I am having a childlike experience with Emethy to see what it will do next.
It's hard not to be giddy with the scope of what just one wand is capable of as well as combining the Liver Wand with it.
What a gift to humanity your wisdom and lifelong work is.
Teresa L from MA
Great News!!
I have had excess abdominal fluid for over a year now. Fluid builds up in my stomach and it has to be drained once a month.
Within 2 weeks of using Emethy the build up in my stomach went from 5 liters to just 2 liters of fluid build up in my stomach.
I am so excited!
My Doctors and Nurses cannot believe my improvement in such a short time. They all wanted to know what I have been doing different- Emethy!
Such a miracle are your Emethy Products.
Thank you! Ed May
I'm so totally amazed after two days of Emethy… wow! This is such a gift.
“My brain functioning is coming back online and the nervous system seems to be in recalibration mode. I'm experiencing PEACE and Clarity that long ago left my experience. I haven't had this much energy for quite some time. Last night I looked at the clock and it was almost 10:30. Lately I've been falling asleep on the couch like by 8 o'clock.
Emethy is truly a miracle!
On another note… My friend “Grateful in Sedona” was in bed feeling like he was dying. He really hasn't been well for probably over a good year. So I gave him an Emethy formula ~ Yesterday he called and I could hear in his voice life force energy returning. He said I can't wait to see how much better I am next week. He is so grateful. I want to tell you he's a hard one to convince about anything. But the results speak for themselves.”
— Zoe
“I got involved with Emethy because I have a Rottweiler who was diagnosed with double hip dysplasia and canine cruciate disease. Translation: unless both hips were replaced and his knees/ankles repaired, his chance of a happy, long life were slim to none. I ordered Emethy's Em9- Trauma formula, Em11- Pain formula , and Free- Freedom formula. I am proud to say that Eoin (my puppy) will be 4 in May and is the happiest little guy you can imagine. When he over does it, I break out the Emethy's, wrap them in a wet rag and hold them to his paw.
As for me, I had the unfortunate incident of cutting my finger open on an exacto knife. The wound was wide open and at 6:00 in the morning - no doctor available. I have an aversion to Emergency Rooms. I grabbed the Trauma and the Free, wrapping them in a wet rag and holding onto them for dear life. I have not experienced ANY PAIN OR DISCOMFORT. In fact, while being stitched up, I asked the Doctor if she would mind if I continued to hang onto my bottles. Again- no discomfort of any kind. Emethy is ENERGY- Your body absorbs energy as it is NEEDED. I have since ordered some Emethy formulas I would normally keep in my medicine cabinet. Now I rest easy knowing that any physical symptoms will be arrested by these products. Gail, from the bottom of my heart I thank you. With light and love, .....Joanie Houston, Reading, PA”
— Joanie Houston
Emethy Has NO negative Side Effects
The C word-
Hi Gail,
My Husband and I use Emethy’s® WANDS every day. We found that when we used the FEARLESS WAND we slept through the night.
My husband John and I are so thankful for Emethy.
I first started using Emethy® in 2016 as I was recovering from my third cancer surgery.
I could walk around the house and outside in the yard, but I couldn't go for a short walk.
That's when Gail came into our lives with Emethy. I found out I had a bad strain of Epstein-Barr Virus. The Emethy® that Gail sent me has helped me slowly & surely recover from 10 surgeries for and related to cancer.
I had to have five weeks of very high radiation. The radiology oncologist was so sure that the cancer would come back that she said she zapped me 92 scans a day. She was so surprised that I tolerated the radiation so well. I did not have massive burns or sores from the radiation. Only one pinprick of a sore came and it healed quickly. My lungs were not affected as she thought they would be. Also I was not nauseous or throwing up. My husband and I lived in casitas provided by the Mayo Clinic. There were 5 other patients each with a caregiver living there.. When a new patient came in they would ask why my husband was there, assuming he was the patient. They were all surprised when I said I was the patient as I looked so good and was not tired like the other patients. Doing emethy before the procedures, after and later in the evening brought me through this massive radiation so well.
When I had strong chemo I also did my Emethy® formulas before, during and after my treatments. My oncologist was so surprised I had such few side effects. She ordered two medications for side effects beforehand that- because of using Emethy® formulas- I did not have to use.
I can tell you that Emethy absolutely works.
I know that the Lord brought Gail and her Emethy into my life.
Prior to the first cancer, I felt I was dying. I recently had two doctors tell me I should have died with all the cancers (4) and brain tumor I had since my early 60's. I credit Emethy to help keep me going. I do my Emethy® formulas every day.
Gail has always been there for me and I thank her so much. She is a natural healer herself. Her products make such a difference in the lives of those who have health concerns. Emethy will make a positive difference in the quality of your life.
~Wendy Berry, Arizona
"Five years ago my wife Judy and I moved to Sedona Arizona, like many drawn here by the electric shiver of Red Rock Fever. Once here we could not wait to explore the beautiful canyons right in our own neighborhood. We had of course visited before, and done some hiking, but not in every season. It was a cool November day and on a trail in a lovely juniper forest my wife suddenly seized up and was having extreme difficulty breathing. It was frightening for both of us. What we learned later was that juniper blooms in the winter and Judy was a stage 4+ (out of 4) allergic to junipers. Sedona is built in the middle of a juniper forest. Our first reaction was “we cannot live here”.
One of our new friends in Sedona heard our story and handed Judy a little blue bottle of something called Emethy and said “try this”. I was skeptical, but thought, what the heck. We'll try anything. So, we wrapped up EM3 in a wet tissue and off we went to give it a try. We started onto the trail slowly and Judy was fine. We kept walking and soon forgot all about it, absorbed in the uncommon diverse beauty that is Sedona. She is still subject to some seasonal symptoms, being a stage 4+, but has not had the asthmatic attacks on the trail since.
My husband Rory awoke one morning with disabling lower back pain. This was really distressing, as he was due to pick up a good friend at the Phoenix Airport, a 2 hour drive, later that morning. I suggested trying EM11. Once wetted, I strapped it to his back for about 20-30 minutes. He was not only able to get out of bed, but made the 4 hour round trip with no discomfort.”
~ Rory and Judy Copeland
More Testimonials. Emethy is great!
“I smoked for 20 years and have tried hypnosis and many things to quit smoking over the years yet NOTHING worked as I always went back to smoking. After using Emethy's Addiction formula I smoked my last cig and it's like I never smoked. I don't have any cravings at all! Its truly hubby is so proud of me :) It was Emethy's Addiction formula that did it. I'm so happy that I don't have this addiction anymore.
I also originally ordered Emethy's Addictions, Pain and Infection formulas.
I have rheumatoid arthritis very bad.. am in constant pain (was) from the meds I had to take. I was getting infections all the time. My gums are (were) splitting and very painful. I was in the hospital the week before I got your wonderful Emethy products.
I was told that I had the MSR virus. The antibiotic they gave me was very strong and make me sick to take it. When I started using your Emethy products ALL of my symptoms cleared up. I am now able to enjoy my day and do simple pleasures like go outside in my garden and see my beautiful flowers... l don't sit and cry anymore :)..
This happened almost immediately.. I would not be without Emethy for sure. I have also always had like a tightness on the left side of my upper stomach area, this also has gone now ..I am so happy for you and your product that I can't wait to try your other ones. Thank you so much”
"I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in early '94. I was so unwell, it was almost a relief to discover a name for my dis-ease. I say almost, because I didn't know the ramifications of the illness. My life and career in the corporate fast-lane (with a 6-figure income) ended. Talk about losses; my career, my income, my self-esteem and a relationship, but most of all MY HEALTH. The pain, loneliness, fatigue and despair became my daily companions.
My previous over-achiever traits led me to try every sort of medical and holistic treatment available, leaving me feeling more hopeless and $30,000 poorer, after the cost of treatments. After 3 1/2 years of despair, I heard about Emethy. The results have been amazing. I started to feel better almost immediately.
Now I feel strong, confident and ready to face the unknown of life after Fibromyalgia. I sleep well at night, take ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS OR PAIN KILLERS. I do Emethy faithfully and have a new life, a life of joy, happiness and feeling useful again. I may be financially poorer because of previous medical treatments, but my value system has changed so much that the richness I feel in my heart can overcome any obstacles. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, EMETHY!"
A Positive Change happens within moments of using Emethy®
"Dear Gail-I'm having great results with your Energy formula. It's amazing how fast and effective it is. It seems to change my whole attitude-it's wonderful. And Sarah, the baby, is responding wonderfully to the Anti-Gas Emethy formula. Usually within 10 minutes she's totally relieved. Thanks so much for responding so quickly to my plea for help". Natalie Gregory-Florida
"Happy News Bulletin-I was checked last week (Doctors office) for the first time since using the Emethy and delighted to find my readings improved. I was using "Emethy Lung formula during a week-end visit and knowing my friend was a victim of T.B. and emphysema I just handed her the bottle with a wet cloth. She had no knowledge of what I was doing as I said "This should be good for you-just hold it for awhile". Shortly after she had such an astonished look on her face as she said "I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but it doesn't hurt when I breathe now".
The next morning her throat was sore and she had no voice. I handed her the Propolis Emethy and Viola!! The sore throat disappeared and her voice came back!
I am so excited".
~Jean Laird-Florida
"Since starting to use Emethy I have become much more relaxed. I handle stress better, both at the work place and at home.
My wife appreciates it and at work-they are all amazed at my newfound energy levels". -~Robert Corlombe
More Testimonials. Emethy is healing.
"My energy has increased tremendously! I'm walking more erect. No back pain when I walk now. I'm happier-I'm not dwelling on negative things. I use to bury many many feeling-I Seem to be getting in touch with my feelings now. I even make my bed each day now and work in my garden".
-Mary Tierman
"Sometimes when I go to bed with EM3-Immune Emethy- in my sock I feel tingly feelings throughout my body., and a sort of shifting of alignment. I find that my feelings are mostly on the positive side now. I used to have alot of hyper-stress, I don't feel that way anymore..I have Wonderful Feelings now!"
- Diane Elworth
"I have come to experience a real presence in my life. Old habits and worries have left and I feel a new sense of inner strength, self confidence and self love. Doubt and fear have been replace with self confidence and trust".
- Carol Klesow